In this section you can explore all of our fashion-related articles to discover how each country or place I visit has influenced my style. I have found that, more often than not, fashion is universal: the St. Laurent store in Milan and the Souk el-Sagha market in Amman have more in common than you think. Fall in love with new brands and young upcoming designers from all over the world, some of whom are still unknown by almost everyone but have amazing talent and vision. Browse though my blog posts on how I’ve come to view classic fashion brands and ideas from a new, more multicultural perspective. Get inspired to reinvent yourself with a totally new fashion style, or just to add a bit of international flair to your current favorite outfits. I’ve learned a lot about shopping in different areas of the world, and I’m always thinking about how to get the best deals on those fabulous statement pieces that you’ll forever love. Don’t miss out on the latest fashion-travel articles and guides on what to what to wear for your next winter/summer/beach/city/safari vacation!
