Workout Routine For Women & Men
Here, I’ve written about a quick but effective full body workout routine for women & men that will help you stay active and healthy even when traveling or on vacation. I’ll share my specific workout plan, explain the moves, and give some extra tips as well. This workout will help you maintain your fitness level while on the road, and it won’t take up much of your precious vacation time!
Exercise Routine for Women & Men
The list:
Jump Squats
Jump Lunges
Mountain Climbers
Combination of push-up/shoulder taps
The Movements:
Jump Squats:
Let’s start with a great exercise to add to any lower body workout for women &men. I normally do between 10 and 20 jump squats per set, keeping the pace quick to make each one a high intensity rep. This will get your heart pumping and your blood flowing, making it a great first exercise to really get warmed up! Make sure to always start and land in a squat position. Maintain a straight back, eyes facing forward, and keep your knees aligned with your toes. Don’t let your knees turn inwards, and always keep your back straight. I always give my glutes an extra squeeze at the top to encourage even more muscle engagement. If you can’t jump well or if you don’t have room, just do regular squats (always high intensity!) and maybe add some high knees in between the squat sets before moving to…
Jump Lunges:
Start on a regular lunge position and then explode upwards, jumping as high in the air as possible. I alternate which leg is forward with each rep. Always start and finish in the lunge position. Your back knee should be as close as possible to the floor without touching (you don’t want to kneel). Like the jump squats, keep your back straight and don’t stop between lunges (remember, high intensity!). For beginners, start with regular lunges while moving forward, then progress to jumping. I do between 10 and 20 reps per set.
Mountain Climbers:
A great exercise for working your core, arms and legs all at once! Start in an extended plank position: wrists directly under your shoulders, core tight, squeezing glutes while keeping your back straight. Bring one knee up towards your arm, almost touching your elbow, before returning it and switching legs. Do this continuously for 30 to 60 seconds, as many reps as you can. It sounds easy, but you’ll feel the burn in no time!
Combination of push-up/shoulder taps:
Start in the same position as the mountain climbers, core extra tight this time, and bring your right hand up to tap your left shoulder. Return to the start and switch hands, left hand to right shoulder, then back to start. Now do a push-up to complete the rep. Repeat as many times as you can for 30 to 60 seconds. You can lower your knees during the push-up to make it easier, or combine the shoulder taps with mountain climbers for a harder challenge!
Let’s finish this exercise routine strong! Get back into your basic plank position, resting either on your hands or your forearms with core tight and glutes squeezed. Always keep your wrists directly under your shoulders. Maintain this pose for 2 minutes straight or as long as you can! For a different variation, start with a 30 second hold in the normal plank, then 30 secs on each side (holding yourself up with only one arm at a time!) before another 30 second hold in the normal plank to complete the rep. Rest on your forearm for the side planks, keeping your elbow under your shoulder.
Repeat this workout routine from 2 to 4 times. I usually do three cycles, or four if I’m feeling extra energetic!
My specific routine:
20 Jump squats
20 Jump lunges
30 sec Mountain Climbers
30 Combination of push-up/shoulder taps
2 min plank combination
Besitos from the gym,
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