Top Tips On How To Lose Body Fat Fast


Trying to get body fat levels down is not an easy task for our bodies, regardless of how much we weigh and what we are trying to achieve. To obtain the results we want, it’s important to focus on not only exercising, but also on other parts of our lifestyle that will boost metabolism and make it so we can lose more body fat in the shortest amount of time.

Must-Follow Advice To Lose Body Fat Fast

Whether you want to get healthy, trim down, or simply feel better, burning off excess fat can be challenging for many. There are a lot of contributing factors in play! 

It’s also important to understand that burning your body fat doesn’t necessarily mean losing weight. Your weight might go down, stay the same or you can even gain weight because you are gaining muscle mass! However, you can still lose body fat and get leaner and overall healthier no matter what the scale says. 

Note: As an extra tip, if you want to track your body fat progress step by step, there are some scales that will measure the specific percentage, as well as various different body fat test you can do to stay on track. 

Now let’s start with the tips on how to lose body fat fast!

Drink lots of water

Start your days by drinking at least 2 glasses of water with some drops of lime or lemon juice. I normally drink warm water or at least room temperature water. If you like drinking cold water instead, both have several benefits!

Warm water benefits: 

Helps improve digestion, helps detoxify your body, increases blood flow, and helps alleviate menstrual cramps and joint pain.

Cold water benefits: 

Boots the metabolism, helping you burn more calories (hence, it helps with weight loss). 

Note: Drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day.


Having a bottle of water in your car during your commute is an easy way to help you keep hydrated and healthy. Back when I worked in an office in downtown NY, I used to drink a lot of water while stuck in the morning traffic, or while riding the train or bus to work.

Have a Healthy Breakfast

Having a healthy breakfast everyday will not only help you start your day with lots of energy, but will also help you to have more balanced eating habits and avoid binge eating. This is KEY to managing weight and body fat! 

Some of my favorite foods for breakfast include: avocado, eggs, tuna, turkey and  oatmeal.  As you can see, a breakfast filled with protein and good fats is definitely my favorite. A diet rich in proteins is definitely your friend when trying to burn body fat and build muscle. Protein keeps you fuller for longer, helping you manage total calorie intake. 

I also advise my coffee drinkers to switch that first morning coffee for a green tea, which is packed with antioxidants, helps boost your metabolism and burn body fat, and still gives you a bit of caffeine so you won’t feel tired or lacking energy. It's a win-win situation!

Exercise Daily

When most of us think about exercising, we think about going to the gym. Going to the gym is greatly beneficial for your health and is useful to help burn that stubborn body fat fast, but that's not the only way to exercise. We don't necessarily need to step into the gym in order to keep our bodies active. Some of my tips to help you improve your overall lifestyle, burn body fat faster and boost your metabolism include: 

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, especially when working in an office or a 9-5 job. We all need to start changing our overall lifestyles to be healthier, not just adding some gym workouts. A great way to do this is taking the stairs instead of the elevator. You have to get to your office anyway, so why not do it in a way that will help your body? If you work or live on a very high floor, then take the elevator until a few floors below and then take the stairs the rest of the way! If you live in a suburban area where you use your car most of the time, get used to parking in the furthest parking space and then walking a bit!  And if you have a desk job, consider either having a stand-up desk or walking around the office every hour. This is also beneficial for your vision if you work in front of the computer a lot.

Try a High-Intensity Workout

If you want to go to the next level and really commit to your journey of healthy living and loosing body fat fast, I also recommend incorporating HIIT workouts to your daily routines. 

What are HIIT workouts? HIIT stands for high intensity interval training, which is a great way to make your body burn large amounts of calories in a short period of time. Most of these training sessions last from 15 to 30 minutes, which is also great if you don't have tons of time to spare at the gym.

One of the best ways to do this is finding a local HIIT class at a gym. I always advise that when you first start taking the class, you shouldn’t expect to be at the same level as the people who have been doing it for a while. Start with lower weights and take breathers throughout the session if you need it. The goal is not to be the best in the class right away or the one who lifts the most weights, but to be the one that does it consistently and build on your success each time.

This type of workout involves short but intense periods of activity followed by easier ones. A High-Intensity Workout makes your heart rate close to maximum while you’re in the intense period, and means that later your body is going to ask for more oxygen during the recovery periods. Which of course means: higher calorie burning! HIIT helps burn calories in your body even after the exercise is over.

Moreover, HIIT workouts help you to quickly burn out the extra fat your body is longing to lose. The best thing about a HIIT workout is that it’s QUICK. You can get a great HIIT session in about 15-20 minutes.  I recommend that you mix this workout with other types of exercises, such as lifting weights and yoga.


Reduce Stress

From all my tips to burn body fat fast and boost your metabolism, reducing stress levels is without a doubt one of the hardest to master. This is mostly because controlling our stress can be very tricky, since many times the causes of stress can be external and something we can’t always control. If that’s the case, I recommend trying to dedicate at least a few minutes per day to meditating or doing an activity you enjoy to get your minds away from the problem that's causing the stress.

Some of the activities recommended by specialists include practicing yoga, different types of therapy, meditating, and even exercising. I recommend a few things that have helped me in the past to reduce my stress level and my anxiety: Going to at least two of the same workout classes every week (creating a routine will help you stick with it and you’ll be less propense to skip it), dancing, listening to a podcast, or even just watching a Netflix show! All of these will help you get your mind away from the issue and focus your attention on something else. Other options include taking a painting or cooking class, enrolling on a language course, or joining a book club. Anything that you enjoy doing can be added to the list! The best part is, these are things that you’ll actually have fun doing and want to do! (38).jpg

Get Enough Sleep

Multiples studies have shown that our bodies need at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. People always talk about binge eating and how it can affect our bodies and our overall health, but binge sleeping can have even worse effects. Not getting enough sleep can increase your levels of stress, contribute to making you feel hungrier (which leads to overeating), and make you less willing to exercise and workout. Plus, if you only sleep an average of 5 hours your body won't be able to actually get all the rest and relaxation it needs. Not to mention the effects that it will have on your skin and overall body regeneration. Try to get 8 hours of sleep per night, even if you have to go to bed earlier. A chamomile tea and some night time meditation always help! It’s worth it! 

Loosing fat and boosting the metabolism might not be a super easy task, but if you follow these tips and focus on changing your overall lifestyle by incorporating healthy practices, you’ll find it to be much easier. By focusing on not only reaching your body goals but also on your mindfulness journey, you’ll get to live a better, happier, and higher quality life!

If you find these tips useful! don’t forget to pin this article and share it with your friends. If you have more tips on how to lose body fat fast and you’d like to share them with us, please leave them in the comments and help everyone in our Prancier community!

To find more healthy tips and recipes head to our Wellness section, we have recipes for Easy and Healthy Overnight Oats, Immune Boosting -Detox Green Juice, Healthy Breakfast On the Go and several Fitness articles!

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Fat loss