Healthy Breakfast On The Go: Foods, Recipes & more

Healthy Breakfast Foods

  • Water

  • Green Tea

  • Honey

  • Juices, Smoothies & Shots

  • Fruits

  • Eggs (especially white)

  • Oatmeal

  • Avocado

  • Lean Turkey

  • Yogurt

  • Nuts and Seeds

Best breakfast recipes & tips

  • Start each day by drinking at least 1 glass of water (make sure to add lemon to taste). If you’re dieting, this can also reduce your hunger/cravings! Switch your cup of coffee for a green tea (or white tea, both are high in antioxidants). It takes 21 days to create a new habit, so if you are quitting coffee but need a caffeine fix, you can always order a caffeinated green tea.  Switch the sugar for honey for a more natural sweetness!

  • A freshly squeezed orange juice, or a lemon, turmeric and ginger shot will boost your immune system. A berry smoothie or fruit salad is another great option to kick off your day. Start the  day like a champion: Tom Brady has a similar healthy breakfast on the go routine.

  • Breakfast high in proteins will help you to feel full for longer and also to build those muscles after a long walk or climb. Eggs are an easy option that you can find in almost every country. Scrambled egg whites are my go-to, especially when I’m trying to keep that cholesterol down!

  • I’m not a huge fan of oatmeal myself, but if you want to keep your belly flat and have good energy for those workouts and long days, a bowl of oatmeal will definitely do the trick.  Add some flavor with bananas, blueberries, strawberries, almonds and chia seeds. Honey or cinnamon to taste is the perfect finish!

  • A friend once told me that there’s nothing more basic than ordering an avocado toast for brunch. Well, call me basic because I order these all the time! I also make them at home. It’s simple, I love the health benefits (lots of B-6, Omega 3 and good fatty acids) and the taste is amazing!  

  • A good turkey burger is the perfect late breakfast for those heavy sleepers. Go one step further and ditch the bun. You’ll still get a filling meal packed with lean protein without the extra carbs. For the gym goers, you can swap the eggs for turkey in the mornings before or after working out! Michael Jordan ate steak before games, so clearly the extra protein does some good!

  • Either in a smoothie or by itself, greek yogurt is your friend and great option for a healthy breakfast on the go. It has the calcium we need to keep those bones strong, and the best authentic yogurts are low fat and high in protein. Avoid the flavored yogurts, as they often contain high amounts of  added sugar that will defeat the purpose of healthy eating. My go to: low fat plain yogurt! Alone it’s a bit boring, but mixed with fruits, nuts and honey it will really come alive and be a delicious part of your breakfast.

  • If you’re in a hurry, or simply prefer a light and healthy grab-and-go breakfast that day, some fruits and nuts will keep you energized and healthy. This is a great mix that’s easy to eat on the go. If you have a sweet tooth, you can add some dark chocolate in your mix too!

What I normally eat for breakfast :   

I start my day drinking  a liter of water with a few drops of lemon juice. 30 minutes later I’ll have a  green or mint tea with honey. For food, I’ll start with either an orange juice and some fruit salad or a smoothie.

At home, I’ll eat ground lean turkey with avocado as well! If I’m still hungry at the end (or if I’m going to workout)  I’ll snack on some nuts on the way. Walnuts and almonds are my favorite blend of healthy and tasty.

On the road, it’s harder to keep a specific diet so I’ll switch my healthy breakfast on the go routine. Most days I’ll have yogurt, eggs or toast after some fruit. The key is to keep the idea of eating a healthy breakfast in mind, and to always be on the lookout for the better options. It’s easy to grab a donut or pastry (I definitely do this some days!) but try to go for the healthier options on a majority of mornings. Your body will thank you, and you’ll have more energy to accomplish all of your life goals!

For more healthy and wellness tips check the articles below!

Besitos from the kitchen,
