Salad Recipes with Goat Cheese. My top 3 Favorites!

goat cheese salad

These are really simple salads recipes, very easy to prepare and extra light for those busy nights!

Goat Cheese Salad Recipes:

Salad Ingredients

  • Kale, oranges, shaved almonds, goat cheese and chicken.

  • Arugula, tomatoes, prosciutto, mozzarella or goat cheese, apples and caramelized pecans.

  • Baby Spinach, cherry tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, goat cheese, onions, walnuts and dried cranberries.


  1. Kale and Oranges: Chop the kale and the chicken and toss them in a bowl with the oranges, the shaved almonds and the goat cheese. I recommend a very simple and light dressing for this salad: lemon juice, olive oil, a little bit of salt and black pepper. It’s a unique and tasty salad! This is one of my every day go-to salads as well.

  2. Arugula Goat Cheese Salad. Mix the arugula with the prosciutto, add mozzarella cheese, chopped apples and the caramelized pecans. The dressing: honey, olive oil, vinegar and a bit of oregano and black pepper. You can swap the mozzarella for goat cheese as well. It might sound strange for some, but honey and cheese is an amazing combination that you can find all over Europe. This is one of the simpler yet delicious of my salad recipes with goat cheese. Try it!

  3. Beet Goat Cheese Walnut Salad. Put the baby spinach, cherry tomatoes, beets, cucumbers,  goat cheese, onions, walnuts and cranberries in a bowl, mix it with the dressing of your choice. You can cut the baby tomatoes in half if you like, or leave them whole to save time. My favorite dressing: lime juice and olive oil. Simple, but delicious! If you want a bit more kick, try adding some cayenne pepper and shrimps as well.

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Besitos from the kitchen,
